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  • Groundwork London - Environmental Business Services - 2008 [PDF : 562KB]
    An overview of the environmental services Groundwork London can provide for organisations.
  • Groundwork London - Housing - 2008 [PDF : 385KB]
    The services Groundwork can offer the social housing sector.
  • Groundwork - One World Schools - 2007 [PDF : 1.30MB]
    An overview of our work on the eco- and sustainable schools agendas.
  • Groundwork - Landscape Design - 2007 [PDF : 2.73MB]
    Our landscape design services.
  • Groundwork - Businesses - 2007 [PDF : 931KB]
    Outlines the different ways Groundwork and businesses can work together.
  • Groundwork - Making a Difference - 2007 [PDF : 1.52MB]
    A short report on the positive impact Groundwork has on the UK's people and places.
  • Groundwork - People, places, prosperity - 2008 [PDF : 697KB]
    A brief overview of Groundwork nationally, including summary financial report and key achievements.
  • Groundwork in London - 2006 [PDF : 1.71MB]
    This publication describes the full span of Groundwork's activity in the capital, illustrated with case studies.
  • Groundwork: Building Thames Gateway Communities Together - 2007 [PDF : 1.36MB]
    This publication describes the full extent of Groundwork's contribution to the Thames Gateway and the services available to developers and others.
  • Learning to live differently: Working with Groundwork to tackle climate change - 2008 [PDF : 997KB]
    Groundwork's approach to providing individuals and businesses with the tools to tackle climate change.
  • Fair and green: tackling environmental inequalities and delivering neighbourhood renewal - 2008 [PDF : 1MB]
    Policy document detailing Groundwork's approach to tackling environmental inequality through delivering neighbourhood renewal
  • Decent homes, decent neighbourhoods - 2006 [PDF : 1.91MB]
    Describes the correlation between decent housing and strong, healthy neighbourhoods together with case studies of Groundwork's work in this field. 
  • For people, for places, for health - 2006 [PDF : 3.80MB]
    Groundwork's potential to contribute to the delivery of public health targets, including case studies of local project examples.
  • Play, participation, potential - 2006 [PDF : 1.76MB]
    A report comprising three essays by leading commentators in the field of youth and regeneration policy - Ken Worpole, Bernard Davies and ippr's Kate Stanley, together with a series of case studies illustrating the breadth of Groundwork’s activity with young people.

Groundwork Today

  • Groundwork Today issue 42 -
  • Groundwork Today issue 41 -
  • Groundwork Today issue 40 -
  • Groundwork Today issue 39 - Delivering Local Public Services - Link
    This issue of Groundwork UK's quarterly magazine focuses on Local Area Agreements.
  • Groundwork Today issue 38 - Living differently - Link
    This issue of Groundwork UK's quarterly magazine looks at, amongst other things, Groundwork's increasing involvement in the housing sector.
  • Groundwork Today issue 37 - Health - Link
    This issue of Groundwork UK's quarterly magazine focuses on Groundwork's contribution to improving the health of local communities.
  • Groundwork Today issue 36 - Children and Young People - Link
    This issue of Groundwork UK's quarterly magazine examines Groundwork's projects with children and young people.

Reports and papers

  • Improving local environments, improving local economies - 2007 [PDF : 1.21MB]
    Details the findings of research by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) and Groundwork into how investment in the local environment can bring major benefits to the local economy.
  • Lantra (the Sector Skills Council for Environment and Land Based Sector) London's Strategy - February 2007 [PDF : 73KB]
    Lantra is one of 25 Sector Skills Councils licensed by government as strategic, business–led organisations leading the drive to boost skills and workforce development.  Lantra has this responsibility in the environmental and land-based sector.  As a key partner, Groundwork was also asked to speak at the launch of the Environmental and Land-based sector skills agreement for London, alongside SEEDA and the Forestry Commission.
  • Mayor of London's Street Tree Investigation - February 2007 [PDF : 97KB]
    Groundwork was on the Steering Group that guided the development of  the 'Tree and Woodland Framework', which looked to provide a framework for the many London initiatives committed to maintaining and enhancing London's trees and woodland.  Consequently, we were identified as a key contributor to this London Assembly investigation and asked to provide evidence.  As a result of our submission, members of the Assembly's Environment Committee visited Hackney to investigate the best practice being undertaken there by Groundwork.
  • Towards the Mayor's Housing Strategy - February 2007 [PDF : 132KB]
    In July 2006 the government announced it would make the Mayor of London responsible for the capital’s Housing Strategy.  Following on from Groundwork's major involvement in the Neighbourhoods Green programme and numerous collaborations with the social housing sector, we continue to have a key role to play in the future development of housing issues in the capital.  Our involvement in the development of this strategy, which will frame the future plans for housing in London, further emphasises our position within this critical agenda.
  • Investigation into London's suburbs - February 2007 [PDF : 118KB]
    The Mayor's Statement of Intent to review the London Plan identified London’s suburbs as an important area for review. Specifically it noted, “they face a number of challenges and the Mayor is concerned to work with partners to manage the economic restructuring of some of the suburbs... They could otherwise point to a decline in the quality of life in the outer London boroughs – where many Londoners live.”Groundwork's invitation to contribute to the London Assembly's Investigation Into London's Suburbs follows on from our lead role in testing the Mayor's 'Tomorrow's Suburbs' Toolkit.
  • GLA Supplementary Planning Guidance, East London Green Grid - February 2007 [PDF : 113KB]
    The East London Green Grid aims to create a network of interlinked, high quality open spaces that connect town centres with public transport nodes, the Green Belt, the Thames, and major employment and residential areas.Having been a supporter of the Green Grid concept from the start, Groundwork is a key contributor to the shaping of this Supplementary Planning Guidance.
  • London Plan Further Alterations: Groundwork London response - December 2006 [PDF : 114KB]
    Groundwork London was asked to comment on the draft further alterations to the London Plan. The above document is our response.
  • SAUL Project Film and Final Report - Link - July 2006
    This four-year, €22 million programme has worked with partners in London, Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Part-funded by the EU Interreg programme, whose aims are to strengthen economic and social cohesion across Europe by promoting transnational co-operation, the four-year project has culminated in a set of ‘Messages for Europe’, and specific recommendations for Europe’s politicians and practitioners working in the spatial planning and regeneration sectors.
  • Sustaining Green Space Investment - 2006 [PDF : 1.11MB]
    A paper outlining the issues, challenges and recommendations regarding the long term management and maintenance of green infrastructure.
  • Groundwork London - Tomorrow's Suburbs Pilot Report [PDF : 428KB]
    Groundwork was tasked with practically testing the toolkit URBED created for the GLA, LDA, ALG and TfL, which looked to provide practical information on ways of making London's suburbs more sustainable.The above report is the result of this, and this report, alongside the formal consultation period ran by the GLA, helped refine the initial toolkit to create the 'Tomorrow's suburbs: Tools for making London more sustainable - Best Practice Guidance'.
  • Sustaining Green Space Investment - February 2006 [PDF : 213KB]
    There are three fundamental prerequisites for ensuring the sustainability of green spaces: generating revenue, engaging communities and working with nature. This paper presents a brief overview of the challenges and issues being faced in each of these three areas.
  • Model for community consultation - July 2005 [PDF : 1.20MB]
    A fundamental part of Groundwork's approach is to create partnership's with local communities in order to bring about sustainable change and improve the quality of people's lives. Groundwork prepared this document to outline the approach we take to community consultation.
  • The countryside in and around towns - 2005 [PDF : 1.26MB]
    Groundwork and The Countryside Agency believe the rural urban fringe, where town meets country, is an area of enormous potential opportunity.  This document sets out the vision of what a vibrant rural urban fringe could be, developed in widespread consultation with organisations, individuals and local politicians and planners across England.
  • From community garden to Westminster: Active citizenship and the role of public space- 2005 [PDF : 339KB]
    Research by CLES investigating the potential of community regeneration projects to inspire more active citizenship.