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Logo : Groundwork London

Employment and Skills Training

Groundwork London aims to improve the economic prospects of individuals and whole communities by helping people to help themselves.  We work with them to develop their confidence, skills and experience in order to find work and to contribute to the regeneration of their own neighbourhoods.

Photo : Teaching AssistantsPhoto : Business Administration

Our employment and training programmes are focused on those people who find it hardest to get work, such as those with low levels of skills, people claiming incapacity benefit, ex-offenders or lone parents.  They offer practical work experience, structured training and support to deal with a wide range of personal issues.  Programmes have included: landscape and horticulture training in one of our 'Green Teams; training for teaching assistants, and skills development for office administration jobs. 

Many of our programmes pay local unemployed people a wage while they work.  Increasingly these services are being developed into enterprises with the potential to create jobs in emerging ‘green economies’.

To find out more about how we could work with you, please contact us and speak to one of our expert advisors. You can also read more about our work on employment and skills training by clicking one of the links below.

  • Green Team, Green Roofs 

    • Treverton Estate Green Roofs, Kensington & Chelsea [PDF : 511KB]